A Brainstorm Workflow to Accelerate Your Idea Flow.
Based on Creativity Science.

This is how we suggest you run a Storm...

Step #1


⏳ 5 minutes

Step #2

The Storm

⏳ 90 mins

Step #3


⏳ 3 days

Step #4


⏳ 60 mins

Step #1 Setup

It takes around 5 minutes to set up a Storm


Define the Purpose

Your goal for the Storm and the problem description


Create the Questions

AI suggests structure for your anonymous Q&A session


Invite Your Team

Copy the invite link from Storm and send everyone your usual video meeting

Step #2 The Storm

Meeting Intro by your team's facilitator...


Everyone joins a video call and enters the Storm waiting room

Join your usual video call platform while participants open the Storm separately


Facilitator gives a short introduction to the Storm

Give people an overview of the meeting that's about to happen


End the video call and start the Storm

We recommend you close the call so participants can fully immerse themselves in the Storm

The Storm Starts...

Step #3 Incubation

Replicate the way great ideas emerge in culture organically


Take 3 days for people to process their thoughts

Research shows that defocusing your attention and reducing pressure optimises creative output


Sleep i.e. dreaming helps solve problems

REM sleep is known to filter information, foster connections and improve problem solving


People get regular idea-stimulating prompts

Throughout the incubation period participants will be prompted to engage in the Storm

Step #4 Review

Select your best ideas and review them through specialised AI Lenses

Find the Meaning

An AI semiotician (symbolism decoder) evaluates ideas for their cultural and emotional impact, ensuring they resonate on multiple levels.

Business Case Analysis Tools

Create multiple documents for each idea, including SWOT, SOAR, Lean and Risk Analysis.

Market Test you ideas

Send stakeholders or customers short surveys or pitch decks of your ideas to vote on.




Per user/per month

Up to 30 Seats

Join the Waitlist
All Standard plans include:
Up to 2 Live Storms
Tools for managing content and setting agendas
Expanded storage space
Phone and email support
Secure and simplify access with Single Sign on



Per user/per month
Billed annually

30+ Seats

All Enterprise plans include:
Access to all standard features
Unlimited Storms
Priority email and phone support
Advanced analytics and reporting
Dedicated Instance
Open AI Enterprise Integration
Team management and user roles
Enterprise-grade security
Flexible licensing program